Payable Agreement Definition

Traders undertake to PayPal its parent company to compensate, defend and keep affiliates unscathed, executives, directors, representatives, employees and suppliers, employees and suppliers of and against any legal action, liability, loss, penalty or any other cost (including legal fees and defence costs) that they may suffer or suffer as a result of (i) the violation of this agreement or any other agreement that you may accept with PayPal or its suppliers with respect to the use of the Braintree Payment Office; (ii) your use of braintree payment services; (iii) their actions or omissions; and/or iv) your violation of applicable laws, regulations or network rules and requirements. Rent-to-own agreements are also excluded from the truth law, as they are considered leases rather than an extension of credit. A debt title for a private or commercial loan may contain a “order” or “payment in order of” clause in its contractual language. This type of supply is no different from the same empty line in a personal check. Payment information in the language of a change of text does not change the legally binding nature of the document. The use of leases as a type of off-balance sheet financing is strongly discouraged and does not conform to general accounting principles (GAAP). The language of the contract in a contract change may contain several clauses that will be changed on the basis of the balance of the loan, which will change the one that receives the credit payments of the debtor. This language of the contract gives the lender some flexibility in transferring loans to several of its companies or several of its own creditors. If the borrower is unable at any time to delegate on time during the loan repayment process, the original lender may use the debt title as a means of imposing the civil law payment. This is especially important when the original lender leaves creditors unpaid because of the borrower`s ability to debt. 3.3 Confidentiality.

Braintree ensures that its client data processing staff is informed of the confidentiality of customer data, that it has received appropriate training on their responsibilities, and that it has entered into written confidentiality agreements. Braintree ensures that these confidentiality obligations survive the termination of staff engagement. A lease-sale agreement can flatter a company`s roi on investment (ROCE) and return on investment (ROA). This is because the company does not need to use so much debt to pay assets. Leasing is an agreement for the purchase of expensive consumer goods, in which the buyer makes a first down payment and pays the balance, plus interest to temper.