The university provides services to outside companies on the basis of “no-profit/no loss,” as well as for the conduct of industry-sponsored research. Service budgets must provide both direct and indirect costs of services. The rate and method of applying costs corresponds to the operating facilities and administrative costs negotiated. A legal agreement between at least two parties, which describes the information that the parties wish to share for evaluation purposes, but which wish to restrict the wider use and dissemination. The CDA/NDA agreements are coordinated through the OGCA in cooperation with the IOPC ( The UAF has a default and preferred NDA model. For more information, please contact Master`s agreements are concluded with industrial research partners and federal and/or federal public agencies, which often enter into contracts with the university. In these cases, the OGCA negotiates the legal terms of the agreement beforehand. When a new project is proposed, the terms of the master`s agreement apply and it is sufficient to define the work account, the period of service and the budget. Some flexibility can be incorporated into framework contracts to take into account the opportunities offered by future areas of work, intellectual property and research staff. The terms of a master`s contract are not funded until a funded proposal officially results in a signed specifications.
PI should inform the OGCA of potential sponsors who may be interested in negotiating a master`s degree. A master`s contract is a contract that is used to cover a number of different projects funded by a sponsor over a specified period. These types of agreements are also referred to as “white agreements or trade agreements.” Master agreements are used to streamline the awarding process for both the university and sponsors, who intend to fund several research projects over time. Contracts are usually negotiated for a longer period of time. The Office of Innovation and Partnerships (IPO) can assist in the legal review of service contracts and serve as a source of information for the U-T community. Service contracts and related documents may be submitted for verification in accordance with the procedure described below. A document written under supervision and in accordance with the terms of a grand prize (subsidy, contract or cooperation contract) that transfers part of the research or expertise efforts of the declaration of work to another institution or organization. Before submitting a service contract questionnaire, read your department`s contract guidelines to determine who has the right to sign service contracts on behalf of the university.