“I have in mind (and in this regard, there is no real difference between an agreement reached just before or shortly after a marriage) that a marriage contract for the entire duration of a marriage must address the possibility of its final failure and divorce: and so it is perhaps a longer-term agreement than almost any other (except a lease, and these are shorter and subject to optional discontinuance clauses). The Tribunal will therefore weigh the right to autonomy (self-regulation) against the fairness of the overall agreement. “Supreme Court rules in favor of prenuptial agreement” BBC 20 October 2010 In Crossley – v- Crossley [2007] – Hero: “All these cases depend on the facts and this is a rather extraordinary case of its facts, but if ever there is to be a paradigm case where the court will not consider the marriage contract as one of the peripheral facts of the case, but as a factor of magnetic importance, it seems to me that this is precisely such a case… (xii) Baron J. in A vs. A [2007] [23] also considered a conjugal contract in which, after separate, the parties had concluded the agreement, at the husband`s request, as a precondition for their reconciliation after the wife`s previous adultery. The husband had entered into succession during his marriage and the agreement tried to limit his rights. The woman signed, when the husband gave her the ultimatum, to leave the family home if she had not signed by a specific date.